A smile is more contagious than Coronavirus 😊😁
Ok... this virus is creating a lot of problems and not just for those who have it. If you have it and your quarantined, I’m so sorry, KEEP GOING! Don’t give up. And for everyone else stay safe but please PLEASE be nice and considerate. I have only seen pictures and video of all the missing toilet paper, food and supplies. I know that everyone needs a good amount of EVERYTHING while being stuck at home... but if you hear or see someone in your neighborhood that needs a roll or two, share.
You know what can I suggest something? If you happened to buy 1extra pack of toilet paper, go to someones house and if you can, put 1 roll, not a pack but a roll, in there mailbox. just until the shelves restock at stores, then go out and buy more when it’s needed. THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION. And by putting a roll in the mailbox, you are staying a safe distance from each other. AND if the person who gets your roll has an extra roll they can give one to someone else in their mailbox. There won’t be a shortage of TP with all the trees in the world. And maybe put a post it note on it with a nice note, or a big smiley face or a nice drawing. It can be anonymous or not. Sharing a smile or a nice message doesn’t HAVE to be face to face.
In church we hear about sharing Gods love that he has for us, you can minister to anyone in anyway and God will do the rest.
If you have all you need and no extra, THATS AWESOME!! Keep it, survive. This isn’t posted to offend or embarrass anyone. It’s just another excuse for you to get to know your neighbors you may not know and make some great friendships.
I don’t know if anyone would try this, but if enough people around the world do this we will all be prepared for this and no one will be having to fight for the last package of toilet paper leaving others with nothing.