Sunday, October 4, 2020

Soap Box Time... sorry.

 Soap Box Time

Ok I normally don't ever post something like this and this message may self Destruct if no one reads it... but just because the country is divided, we shouldn't wish or celebrate when someone, anyone gets some sickness like COVID, or that they have pre-exsisting conditions that make it harder. Please don't post that you're happy or he deserves it, or Karma whatever. Haven't we all been taught to not say anything at all if its not good or nice?

We need to all be on each others sides, we know what division can cause. We cant afford anymore wars or lost lives. 

If you don't pray, then think positive thoughts for EVERYONE who has COVID or any life threatening disease. They are already stressed and feeling not very hopeful. They dont need to see people celebrating, or reading that they deserves it. You wouldn't want someone writing bad things about you when you're really down, do you? I have been on life-support, which is way more uncomfortable than being on Oxygen, but both are still NOT FUN at all. Having people on my side gave me the energy and will to live. And not talking about my condition online made the time go faster.

Sending prayers for the current President and anyone suffering.

Ok, I will stop... 

Have a good day, spread love. God Bless