Tuesday, April 13, 2021

UGHHH!!!! Ok, I... 🤦‍♀️ Please read EVERYONE

 Ok... now I’m Mad!!!!

Ok first of all... DISCLAIMER: I don’t have any degrees, I’m not a member of the Clergy, I’m not a politician. I’m a highschool Graduate at best.

Ok, with that out of the way... WTH America?! What are we doing?? First our Black Brothers and Sisters are getting attacked and MURDERED, just because. I’m white, ok? I understand I’m privileged to live here, I stupidly get more respect than my Black friends and family do. You know us white Americans didn’t own the land before America was started. I will admit I don’t know who owned the land in my state that I am on right now. I will stand... in my wheelchair with my incredibly loving, caring, respectful, hard working, salt of the earth black friends and family until I die. I will stand with my amazing BIPOC, LGBTQ+, heck disabled... I’m sorry if I missed any others, like I said, I’m learning.

Speaking of LGBTQ+ WTH is going on with states taking away rights to health care, gender affirming medical care. Aren’t we supposed to get “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”?? Lowering rights, raises depression, Anxiety, SUICIDE?? You want that? Are you thinking we need go back to 6 billion HUMANS again. Let’s keep EVERYONE ALIVE! God took a rib from Adam to make Eve, not separately. We shouldn’t say there is 0% chance of more than 2 genders. Have you ever seen documentaries on YouTube about people who have both DNA and genes?? 

And be happy when 2 humans, children of God, fall in love. Just let them have happiness. I shouldn’t have to write that, no one should, it should just be known.

Now I’m also Pro Life, but IF an abortion is medically necessary to keep the Mother, Wife, Surrogate, ALIVE, that’s there choice, not the governments. Most women care about the child enough to let the baby stay alive be put into a loving, caring family and grant the wish of a child for anyone who had to go through that medically necessary abortion to stay alive and couldn’t bare children anymore from it... See where I’m going here?

Last, I will put this here...

Galatians 3:28, KJV: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." ... For you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Ok not last, one more thing

We are not moving forward in a positive way? Are you thinking we’ve gone so far from how God made the earth that we need to reverse everything to the way it was during Noah?? NEWS FLASH, it was the Devil who convinced Adam and Eve to take a bite of the apple, or pear, whichever you learned. Anyways, they messed things up and made us sinners. God created the flood to take out everyone except Noah and his family that loved and accepted others. 

We’ve all done wrong, but we went the correct direction to “Freedom for all”, but have began to crash again. God didn’t say (to my knowledge)  in the Bible to attack or MURDER ANYONE because they are different in ANY ways. Now we are reversing the clock? Are we all trying to reverse aging with it? Why doesn’t everyone just start running around without any clothes on, God created us as naked, and said “It is Good”.