Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hi my name is Rose, and I don't like reading books.

Its true, there are not many books I have read. Almost every book I have ever read has put me to sleep and I have a really hard time remembering what I read. When I was little my Mom would try to have me read for about an hour every day. There was only two book series that I would pick. Wishbone, it was one of my favorite shows on PBS so it was like reading an episode, but still not the same. The other series was... Captian Underpants!! Those books had some great pictures to go along with the story. Both series books were pretty short. Sometimes I could finish a book in a couple days. The problem with only liking these series is, pretty soon I was just skiming the words because I got so bored of constantly reading them.

I didn't know that books have been banned until this class, and even though I dont read them I dont think they should be banned. If they are banned, how can they become great movies or plays. I also know that even if I don't read there are plent people who love reading books and prefer books than movies or TV shows. It is also important for kids to read. Maybe not "50 Shades of Grey" but if a child loved the Harry Potter movies they may enjoy the books.

Looking at the latest banned/challenged books on the American Library Association website, i'm surprised to see some names on the list. "Captain Underpants" is such a cute series, and the author and artist created the funnest villains. I mean a Turbo Toilet 2000, a toilet that eats people, thats pretty creative. I have read "To Kill a Mocking Bird" for a class in high school. I don't remember much, I had to read it pretty fast to keep up with the class. I tried to read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" but I was so confused by the first chapter I gave up. I only recognize the names "A Wrinkle in Time" and "Goosebumps" because they are names of movies.

I don't really have a "book shelf", I used too. Its now in my parents house, I have a "movie shelf". Whenever I can I watch the behind the scenes of all my movies. Even if I have seen all of them 10 times, Its a learning experience for me.

Topic 2

I agree with Jeff Jarvis that students should study Media History. Looking at the history of how information and new ideas were spread. Its like History, english, and media all in one class. Disrupting Journalism.

He also made a good point saying that maybe we shouldn't push our youth to go to college so soon. College is available for anyone past high school. I honestly didn't want to go to college to party or socialize. I just want a degree so I am able to get a good job.
Hacking Education

I have a few ideas for how I would "fix" college. 

First of all, I would give students the choice of classes for their degrees. You know how we get a list of classes required for our degrees? Like your required to take a certain level of math, reading and writing. I think we should just get a number of credits we need and we choose our classes. Now before you skip ahead because I may be crazy, hear me out.
I am a communications major, what class other than Miming doesn't use communications skills? I take choir as a fun class, not for a grade because it isn't part of my degree. I took an extra public speaking class just for fun and those credits didn't count. I think the schools could suggest classes so you know whats out there, but if we could choose our classes we might learn something from classes we are really interested in. Learning is still happening no matter what classes we take. I didn't need to learn Addition, subtraction and multiplication all over again when I started college, it just slowed me down.

My second idea is, cut out the text books. They are heavy and in the way. They also can't be updated because its paper, not a memory stick. I think all textbooks should be apps that can be downloaded on iPads and iPhones. The school can still get money out of them and we only have to carry a binder to take notes or hold homework pages.

I know this a lot to read but I had a lot to say :-)

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